The Center for Trauma and Contemplative Practice Presents

2015 Symposium On

Trauma & Contemplative Practice

Exploring the Territory


Held May 1-2, 2015

At Harvard Divinity School


Celebrating and Based On the Recent Book




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Table of Contents

(Indicates chapters whose authors and/or topics are represented at the symposium)


Introduction, Victoria M. Follette, John Briere, Deborah Rozelle, James W. Hopper, & David I. Rome

I. Foundations

1. Pain and Suffering: A Synthesis of Buddhist and Western Approaches to Trauma, John Briere

2. Healing Traumatic Fear: The Wings of Mindfulness and Love, Tara Brach

3. Cultivating Self-Compassion in Trauma Survivors, Christopher K. Germer & Kristin Neff

II. Adapting Contemplative Approaches

4. Mindfulness and Valued Action: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Approach to Working with Trauma Survivors, Jessica Engle & Victoria M. Follette

5. Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Trauma Survivors, Devika R. Fiorillo & Alan E. Fruzzetti

6. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Depression and Trauma, J. Mark G. Williams & Thorsten Barnhofer

7. EMDR and Buddhist Practice: A New Model of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Treatment, Deborah Rozelle & David J. Lewis

8. The Internal Family Systems Model in Trauma Treatment: Parallels with Mahayana Buddhist Theory and Practice, Richard C. Schwartz & Flint Sparks

9. Teaching Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness to Women with Complex Trauma, Trish Magyari

10. Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: A Contemplative Approach to Healing Trauma, Doralee Grindler Katonah

11. Yoga for Complex Trauma, David Emerson & Elizabeth K. Hopper

III. Neurobiological/Somatic Issues and Approaches

12. Harnessing the Seeking, Satisfaction, and Embodiment Circuitries in Contemplative Approaches to Trauma, James W. Hopper

13. An Interpersonal Neurobiology Approach to Developmental Trauma: The Possible Role of Mindful Awareness in Treatment, Daniel J. Siegel & Moriah Gottman

14. Embedded Relational Mindfulness: A Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Perspective on the Treatment of Trauma, Pat Ogden

IV. Special Applications and Populations

15. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Underserved Trauma Populations, Mary Ann Dutton

16. Mindfulness in the Treatment of Trauma-Related Chronic Pain, Ronald D. Siegel

17. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Loving-Kindness Meditation for Veterans with Trauma, David J. Kearney

18. Treating Childhood Trauma with Mindfulness, Randye J. Semple & Laila A. Madni

19. Mindfulness and Meditation for Trauma-Related Dissociation, Lynn C. Waelde

20. Focusing-Oriented Therapy with an Adolescent Sex Offender, Robert A. Parker

21. Intensive Vipassana Meditation Practice for Prisoners with Trauma, Jenny Phillips & James W. Hopper

22. Cognitively Based Compassion Training for Adolescents, Brooke Dodson-Lavelle, Brendan Ozawa-de Silva, Geshe Lobsang Tenzin Negi, & Charles L. Raison

Conclusion, John Briere, Victoria M. Follette, Deborah Rozelle, James W. Hopper, & David I. Rome



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